Movie & Film Trivia Games

We've got action, romance, comedy. We've got actors, directors, writers. We've got Oscars, drama, and Bennifer. Lights, camera, action!


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List of Movie & Film Trivia Games

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Choose wisely in this trivia game featuring the further adventures of swashbuckling archaeologist Indiana Jones.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Swing into an alternate reality in this trivia game all about the first multi-verse adventure of your favorite neighborhood webslinger.

Tina Turner Tribute
Tina Turner Tribute

We don't need another reason to say goodbye to the "Queen of Rock and Roll" with our trivia game tribute to Tina Turner.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

May the Force be with you in this trivia game all about "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Summer Blockbusters III
Summer Blockbusters III

The third time's the charm in our continuing trivia game series featuring the greatest summer blockbusters.

The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid

Take a trip under the sea to the animated world of Princess Ariel and her friends with this trivia game featuring 1989's "The Little Mermaid."

The Hangover Franchise
The Hangover Franchise

Hopefully you'll remember more than the Wolfpack does in this trivia game featuring all three films from "The Hangover" franchise.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Whip into action with this trivia game all about the second installment in the "Indiana Jones" franchise.

Avengers: Endgame
Avengers: Endgame

Assemble the world's bravest trivia heroes for this game featuring the final chapter of the MCU's Thanos saga, "Avengers: Endgame."

Legends of Film: Jamie Lee Curtis
Legends of Film: Jamie Lee Curtis

From "Scream Queen" to sex symbol, take a trivia deep dive into the nearly six-decade career of award-winning actress Jamie Lee Curtis.

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