Create a Trivia Game with AI Using Crowdpurr

February 8, 2024

What if you could generate a trivia game on any topic in the world? Near-instantly? And load it directly into a trivia platform like Crowdpurr? Well now you can with Crowdpurr’s AI Trivia Game Writer. The age of AI and trivia is here! In this post we’ll discuss how you can create a trivia game on whatever topic you want using artificial intelligence (AI) and have it instantly loaded and ready to use in a Crowdpurr trivia game!

The Crowdpurr AI logo
Crowdpurr AI has more tools and products coming!

Introducing Crowdpurr AI ✨

Crowdpurr AI is our new offering of AI-powered tools to help you create in Crowdpurr. Our very first product is our new AI Trivia Game Writer. Instantly create trivia questions and full games on any topic! You can also add additional settings like question difficulty, question types, and add fun facts to your generated trivia games! All with AI in just a few seconds.

Why Use AI to Create Trivia with Crowdpurr?

Leveraging AI within Crowdpurr brings many benefits to the table.

Measured Time Savings

Using AI to create your trivia takes the hassle out of timely game research allowing you to focus more on your actual event. Additionally, even after researching a topic there’s still the cumbersome task of formulating intelligent, well-crafted trivia questions that will actually engage (and not confuse) your audience. Using AI saves you precious time in your life!

A tired researcher holds a sign that says "HELP"
Exhausted from researching and then trying to craft it into a great trivia game.

Virtually Unlimited Topics

Using AI to create trivia opens up an entire world of topics, events, people, and places. You’ll be amazed at the specifics that you can add to a trivia game topic. Crowdpurr AI uses a vast database of information and sophisticated algorithms to create questions that are not only accurate but also engaging and appropriately challenging for your audience.

"What about your original Trivia Library?"

Our amazing 100% original Trivia Library of 1600+ pre-written trivia games is still alive and well, fully staffed by our writing team. And we'll keep adding the Crowdpurr signature games you love loaded with fun GIFs and images every week. But if we don't have the exact topic you're seeking, you can leverage AI to easily create your own trivia game.

Also, AI generated trivia games don't have all the fancy GIFs, images, and videos like our Trivia Library games, but you can always easily add your own later after generating your trivia game with our trivia editing tools.

Integration with Crowdpurr

After creating your trivia game with AI, it's already loaded in the Crowdpurr platform! In just a few clicks your trivia game is up and running, ready for your crowd. No need to use external tools or websites and deal with tedious copying and pasting question content from other sources.

Create a Trivia Game Using AI

Let's walk through the simple process of creating a trivia game using AI in Crowdpurr.

Crowdpurr's "Create Account" page
Create a free account, no credit card needed.

Create a Crowdpurr Account

Creating a trivia game with AI using Crowdpurr begins with creating an account on our platform. Simply go to and create a free account. You’ll start on our free-forever Basic Plan that delivers substantial functionality without any cost or need to enter a credit card. You can generate up to 45 trivia questions on the Basic Plan. All paid Crowdpurr plans come with unlimited use of Crowdpurr AI.

The Crowdpurr "Create Experience" page
Under the blue Countdown Trivia section click on the Create button

Create a New Trivia Game

A link to Crowdpurr AI's AI Trivia Game Writer
Look for this in the upper-right corner of the Trivia Library

Under Create Experience click to create a new Countdown Trivia Game. This will open Crowdpurr's user-friendly trivia game wizard that guides you through selecting the type of trivia game you want to create. In the upper-right section under Crowdpurr AI click on AI Trivia Game Writer.

Enter Your Topic & Options

The heart of any trivia game is its questions, and this is where Crowdpurr AI shines. Enter your trivia game’s topic and be sure to add details. Some great example topics are:

  • Early Beatles Albums
  • Italian Cuisine
  • Fun Facts about Dinosaurs
  • The films of Steven Spielberg
  • Third grade mathematics
  • The TV show Lost
  • Japanese Culture
  • Spanish Language
  • Crazy Facts about California

There is no limit to the types of trivia games you can create. Don’t be shy, make sure to add details!

Crowdpurr's AI Trivia Game Writer shows an input with the entered topic "Mexican Cuisine"
Enter virtually any topic in the AI Trivia Game Writer

You can also set additional options like Question Difficulty, Question Types (e.g. multiple-choice, text-answer), and Fun Facts. Lastly, click the Generate button to create your questions.

Reviewing AI Generated Questions

While Crowdpurr AI impressively generates quality trivia questions, you may want to review generated questions before adding them to your trivia game. AI is a new technology and it occasionally generates incorrect or too-similar duplicate trivia questions and answers.

A list of AI generated questions in Crowdpurr for the topic "Mexican Cuisine"
Just like magic the AI generates trivia questions on your topic.

Add AI Generated Questions to Your Trivia Game

You can handpick the best questions generated by AI to better suit your event's theme or your audience's interests. Simply click the + button on each question you want to add to your trivia game. Don’t like a question? Don’t add it to your trivia game. This flexibility ensures that your trivia game remains relevant, enjoyable, and aligned with your objectives.

Generating More Questions

Need more questions? Feel free to go back and generate more questions on the same topic or enter a new topic for generating questions. You can also mix our pre-written trivia library questions with AI-generated questions into a single trivia game!

Test and Run Your Trivia Game

With your AI-generated trivia game built, you're ready to run your event. With the tight integration of the AI Trivia Game Writer creating games directly in Crowdpurr, you can get up and running in just a few clicks.

An AI-generated trivia question is shown on Crowdpurr's Mobile View
An AI generated trivia question ready to be answered by your crowd!

If you’re new to Crowdpurr, we recommend doing a few rehearsal runs before doing your live event. Practicing is easy in Crowdpurr. Simply run your game for a few friends or colleagues, or even just on your own, and then reset it when you’re finished. Your trivia game will be fresh and ready to go for the next rehearsal or your actual event.

Crowdpurr allows your players to join via their smartphones and other devices and play trivia in real-time. Players compete for both bragging rights and (hopefully) some good prizes! Your crowd simply scans the QR code to join and play your game. Crowdpurr’s real-time rankings leaderboard keeps track of all player responses and scores creating a fun, competitive activity that encourages participation.

Learn Crowdpurr Trivia in Five Minutes

Learn all the details on how to run a trivia game in Crowdpurr in five minutes with the below YouTube video.


With AI technology taking the world by storm, Crowdpurr realized that we must leverage this new found power in the best way possible... trivia! We’re excited to offer this first step in using AI to assist Crowdpurr users. Leveraging AI has opened up the ability to create a trivia game on any topic in the world without the tedious effort of both researching and formulating well-written trivia questions.

You as a creator can now focus on delivering memorable experiences to your audiences. Whether you're organizing an office trivia event, running a classroom activity, or just looking for a fun way to engage with friends or colleagues, Crowdpurr provides a powerful, user-friendly platform for creating AI generated trivia games that are sure to captivate and entertain.

For even more details, check out our Help Center article Creating Trivia Games with Crowdpurr AI.

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