Host a Fun Holiday Trivia Party with Crowdpurr

November 29, 2023

The holidays are here which means it's time for the annual holiday party. Are you struggling with how to make this year's event more fun and interesting than last year? A Crowdpurr holiday trivia game is the answer! 

Whether you're hosting an in-person office party, a work-from-home virtual party, or a hybrid of both, add a cool new twist to your event with Crowdpurr trivia. In this blog post and video, we'll guide you through creating an entertaining and interactive holiday trivia party using Crowdpurr, ensuring your event is memorable and enjoyable for all.

Why a Holiday Trivia Party with Crowdpurr?

Fun and Interactive

Crowdpurr's web-based platform allows all of your participants, whether at home or in person, to join in by scanning a QR code on their device. As players answer trivia questions, Crowdpurr crunches the numbers and displays a real-time rankings leaderboard. Players fight their way to the top of the leaderboard for ultimate bragging rights and to become the holiday trivia champion!

A coworker reaction to placing at the top of the leaderboard via GIPHY

Easy to Set Up and Use

Crowdpurr's web-based application makes it easy to set up a trivia game in just a few clicks. You can run your trivia game in a virtual meeting using Zoom, present the game in-person with a live crowd, or both. Or send out a link to the trivia game and allow players to play from their desks.


Add your company's logo, customize your trivia questions, add fun prizes for the winners, or even leverage advanced features like team modes where teams compete against one another!

Create Your Holiday Trivia Game in Crowdpurr

Step 1: Create Your Free Crowdpurr Account

Visit the Crowdpurr website and sign up for a free account. You can create a trivia game for up to twenty participants for free! If you'll have more participants, you'll need to upgrade your plan later before your event.

Step 2: Build Your Trivia Game

Once your account is created, create a new Countdown Trivia game using our 100% original trivia library. You can choose from existing holiday-themed questions and games or create your own. Remember to keep your audience in mind and select questions that are fun yet challenging.

Step 3: Rehearse Your Event

Before the party, do a trial run to ensure everything works smoothly. With Crowdpurr, you're free to dry run your event as many times as you want. You can test your trivia game with your own device or desktop web browser, or invite a few friends or co-workers to test the game. You're now ready to run a trial of your trivia game.

Each time you complete the trivia game, simply reset it to start fresh again. Also check how you will deliver your trivia game. If doing an in-person game and displaying the optional Presentation View, be sure to check connections to your laptop computer. If sharing via Zoom, for example, in a virtual meeting, be sure to test sharing your screen and the Presentation View.

Step 4: Invite Your Participants

Whether you use email, SMS texts, printed signs, Facebook, or word-of-mouth, your players need to know when your holiday party is happening. In your invite, include instructions on how to join the Crowdpurr game and any necessary links or codes. If attending in-person, players can easily join by scanning the Presentation View's QR code on their device. If joining remotely, players will need to know the URL and experience code of your trivia game (e.g. You can include the link in an email, Facebook event, etc. It's also fun to announce any prizes you may add to your event. We suggest rewarding the top three players with prizes to increase participation and engagement! It's the holidays after... trivia Santa needs to bring a few gifts.

Step 5: Host Your Party

On the day of the party, it's okay to be nervous. After all, you're doing a live event. Don't worry, Crowdpurr's rock solid platform will not let you down. If you're practiced a few times, you should be comfortable with the Experience Dashboard and running your trivia game.

When it's time to play your trivia game, make an announcement and start the trivia game's countdown timer. Using a countdown timer of a few minutes builds anticipation and gives your participants time to get signed in on their devices. Once the countdown ends your trivia game starts. If you're using Host Controlled Mode, you will drive the progress of your trivia game. If using Fully Automatic Mode, you can kick back and watch the fun!

You can now watch as your participants scratch and claw their way to the top of the leaderboard for prizes and bragging rights! All while having a great time on your behalf.

The Result: A Memorable Holiday Event

Who's Idea Was This Awesome Trivia Game?

Your team will love trying something new! Your supervisor will want to know when they can do it again. Be ready to garner much attention and acclaim for making this year's holiday party so much more engaging and fun.

You're the ultimate winner when you add Crowdpurr trivia to your holiday event via GIPHY


Crowdpurr’s platform allows everyone to participate, regardless of where they are. This inclusivity is especially beneficial for friends and family who can't be there in person.

Lasting Memories

The combination of friendly competition, laughter, and holiday cheer will create lasting memories for you and your guests.


A holiday trivia party with Crowdpurr is a fantastic way to add excitement and interaction to your holiday festivities. It's simple to set up, fun to participate in, and sure to leave your guests talking about it long after the party is over. So why not give it a try this holiday season and create an event that everyone will remember?

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